Future Plans for Cheshire Gaming and the Previous: The Cheshire

Hey everyone, I'm glad you're using this website for your guide-ance :)  It means a lot to me <3  I wanted to give you guys a road map of where I'm going with this website.  As of last month (June), I decided that I'm going to dedicate a lot of time and effort into making guides for both Guild Wars (1 and 2) as well as Warframe.  

My target goal is to apply for partnership to both Arenanet and Warframe this year and I could use your help.  As you can see, we have met my first goal for this: getting it it's own domain!  I will be keeping the previous version up for a while during this transition, just in case I forgot something D:  Next step in my goals is to get a more professional template.  Luckily, I found a few that I think will work out for this website, also providing a more user friendly experience.  

What you guys can do is share my guides to get the word out.  Any donations will go towards the purchasing of the domain and the template.  If you don't want to donate directly, you can subscribe to my Patreon as well for some nice boons!  Thanks again for using my guides as helpful resources! <3

  1. Get the website it's own domain
  2. Get a more professional template for the website - also more user friendly!
  3. Share and promote website - need 1,000 unique users a month (that's a lot x.x)
  4. Apply for Arenanet Affiliate.
  5. Apply for Arenanet Partnership
  6. Apply for Warframe Partnership