Echoes of Veilbreaker


Echoes of Veilbreaker is a great continuation to Veilbreaker.  Mostly just small little updates to the game, but still worth a look nonetheless.

First thing I noticed when I logged in was the announcement of crossplatform.  I do remember hearing it mentioned on a dev stream not long ago that it has been in game, so seeing the announcement was actually refreshing.  As of this time, I do believe it is just XBox players and PC players.

Ven'kra Tel and Sprag are joining the fight against us in Break Narmer missions.  You can find them in the Prison Break and Junk Run missions, so be prepared to dish out the pain.  Luckily, if you want the weapon skins of these baddies, you can find them in the market.

Besides having some added variety to the Break Narmer missions, Chipper is offering some new wares.  Be sure to check them out!  Hands down, my new favorite orbiter beacon is from the Skaut.  Once you purchase it, you gain access to Kahl Beacon.  This beacon calls Kahl and 2 Brothers to assist in your mission.  If you keep using it, you add an additional Brother.  Great for those long grind sessions in Defense, Survival, and Extraction.  What's even better is if a teammate has the same Kahl Beacon equipped because then you gain additional Brothers.  Be sure to keep your Air Support Charges stocked!

Finally, we get a new addition to our Dojos: Ostron Cove.  I immediately felt joy when I walked into it.  The quiet sound, the overall aesthetic, and the sky are amazing.  With this, we get another tab for decorative options: Cetus.  There are over 160 new items that you can use to decorate like crazy!  I've included a slideshow for the cave down below.